Holyoke High School Yearbook
Marjie Barrett
Marjie is one of the least conspicuous members of the class. But we do not mean by that that she is one of those least to be admired. Indeed, her modesty and tranquility are qualities much to be esteemed. Not every one has the ability to go through the hustle and bustle of active school life with the calmness and cool-headedness that Marjie possesses. Her work is always faithfully done. You can always depend on her word.
"Thy modesty's a candle to thy merit." — Fielding
Elsa Bartlett
A.A., Q.
Here is Elsa Bartlett. We regret to say that Elsa did not join us until our Senior year. But Elsa is a girl who one can easily become acquainted with. She has made many friends in her short time here, and we feel very fortunate in having a girl like her in the class. We all like you, Elsa, and wish you well for the future.
"None knew thee but to love thee, nor named thee but to praise." -Halleck.
Nellie Batastini
A.A., Q.
Another girl whose face always wears a sunny smile is Nellie. With that flash of cheer, she has won for herself many lasting friends. Nellie is generous, kind, and true. What more could any of us hope for? The one who can boast of Nellie as a friend can be assured that she is indeed, a true friend, always ready to hely in any way, no matter how self-sacrificing.
"A generous friendship no cold medium knows." — Pope
Naomi Bates
We pause. Of course you know why. Yes, it's Naomi Bates. Isn't she pretty? Naomi is one of the best looking girls of the class. She is a member of our ever famous "Q" Club and has been a faithful supporter of all our school activities. Naomi is quite a devotee of the equestrian art.
"A lovely girl is above all rank." — Charles Buxton
Celia Baume
A.A., Q.
Celia Baume comes next on our roll. Few of us are as fortunate enough to be intimate friends of Celia. She has a rather indifferent nature which has perhaps been misinterpreted by many of her classmates. Her own clique however term her a "peach," and they know. Celia is "out" for a good time and she seems to be having it.
"Of all mankind each loves himself the best." —Terence
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