Holyoke High School Yearbook
Alice Brown
A.A., Q.
Alice is one of those quiet, dependable girls without whom '24 would amount to nothing. Everyone who knows "Al" Brown is just "crazy" about her. "Al" entered the class in her Sophomore year, being a student in the Junior High School. During her High School days, she has made many, many friends. '24 is proud to boast of girls like Alice Brown.
"We cannot all do all things." —Virgil.
Ruth Brown
A.A., Q.
Well, whom have we here? None other than Ruth Brown. You would certainly know it, once you heard her low musical voice. There is only one Ruth Brown in the class. Ruth is the kind of girl who can win her way into the heart of anybody. She is such a friendly, witty girl that she couldn't help but become popular.
"Cheerfulness is an offshoot of goodness and of wisdom." — Bovee.
Frances Brown
Here comes the shark of the commercial department! She can unravel those hieroglyphics in shorthand in no time. Her typewriting speed is also beyond the limit. And that isn't all. Frances can play anything on the violin, and play it well, too.
"And still they gazed and still their wonder grew,
That one small head could carry all she knew." — Goldsmith.
Marjorie Burnett
"Marjie" is not particularly distinguished but she has her place in all of the different phases of school life. In the first place, she has succeeded in keeping her name on the Second Honor Roll. Then, too, over in the "gym", "Marjie" upholds her name, excelling many in broad-jumping, high jumping, and in apparatus work.
"Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever." — Kingsley.
Hazel Burgess
This is another of our timy little "baby" girls. Hazel doesn't look like a senior with her hair still down her back and with her short dresses. But she is one, and a very necessary one. She may not be particularly distinguished, but one does not need to be distinguished to be enjoyable. Hazel is enjoyable. She is like the daisy, not obtrusive nor proud, but living its life quietly.
"A generous friendship no cold medium knows." — Pope.
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