Holyoke High School Yearbook
Jean Epstein
A.A., Q.
Jean is a real dignified senior. We always admired her dignified gait. She never hurries, yet she is never late. She has played the "big sister" part after a fashion, never bothering with our petty troubles, but sincere and earnest in her work. As a friend, Jean cannot be beaten.
"Dignity of manner always conveys a sense of reserved force." — Olcott.
Ruth Fiske
Hail to the queen of merry-makers! When you hear Ruth laughing, be on the watch for some new prank! During senior year she became famous as a messenger between fictitious H.H.S. Apollos and S.H.H.S. maidens. We must say se made a successful messenger. We think Ruth should publish a series of books telling pupils how to write notes that will please the sterner sex.
"Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self." — Thomson.
Mary Fitzgerald
We couldn't call her anything but "May," and we think her sobriquet is very appropriate, for "May" is small and quiet, and she blushed so prettily. Who could ever think that "May" could play the cornet and write French plays? She can - wonderfully. Although "May: is faithful to her studies, she believes in fun.
"A blush is the glow of the angel in woman." — Mrs. Balfour.
Marjorie Freeland
Marjie's nickname of "Grandma" must be, we think, a mistake, or surely a misfit. In the first place, her "bob" belies the nickname. Then, too, its owner is surely a lively school supported. Marjorie is best known as an athlete. There are only a "chosen few" who can exel her in the gymnasium. Her classmates stand in awe of her accomplishments there.
"Variety's the very spice of life." — Cowper.
Thora Freeman
A.A., French, Math, Classical, Q.
"Happy am I — from care I'm free,
Why aren't they all contented like me?"
This is "Teddy's" attitude toward life. Perhaps you didn't know that "Teddy" knew all the latest dance steps, from a reel to a "trot."
"I like the laugh that opens the lips and the heart—that shows at the same time pearls and the soul." -- Hugo.
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