Holyoke High School Yearbook
Eleanor Kohler
A.A., Math, Classical, Q., Spanish.
"El" or "Peanut" is small as far as stature goes, but is by no means "in the background" of school affairs. She is the kind of pupil who is interested in everything that is going on around her. She is so observant that nothing escapes her keen notice.
Eleanor has a remarkably strong voice and has spoken several times before the school.
"Infinite riches in little room" — Marlowe.
Louise Kostenbader
Louise has moved among us, tall and stately. She is one of our valuable members, always ready to help out in an emergency. Louise is so calm and well-poised we all feel like little children when she is around. We can't stay this way very long, however.
"Her very frowns are fairer far
Than those of other maidens are." — Coleridge.
Hyacinth La France
Hyacinth is one whom, though we all don't know her well, we all appreciate. She is a very demure girl and goes her own way, helping where she thinks best, and rejoicing in the pleasures and successes of her friends. Not only is she willing and ready to fall in with any plan suggested, but she complies without a word of complaint.
"Content to follow when we lead the way." — Homer.
Anna Leary
A.A., Q.
While we're searching for the "good-lookers" - what about Anna Leary? She is so bright and pretty that she just naturally stands out from the others. "Nan" is one of the best known girls in the class. And this is due, perhaps, to her sunshiny nature. "Nan" is classy. Please pardon the word, but it expresses her exactly. She is a prime favorite, not only with all the girls but with the boys as well. We all admire Anna.
"Her step is music and her voice is song." — Bailey.
Margaret Lenigan
Art, Q.
Peggy's approach is always heralded — by herself. That cheery voice coming from the other side of the corridor could be none other than "Peg's". Can she dance? Can she sing? Can se do a million and one other things? - and that one other thing is flirt. For who hasn't felt the effect of her wiles? Both boys and girls alike are her victims.
"Wit in women is a jewel." — Colton.
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