Holyoke High School Yearbook
Melodie Messier
Q, A.A., French.
"Melo" ranks amongst our jolly members, and there are, indeed, many in this class. "Melo" is a good rooter for all the teams, and rarely misses a game. She has a ready laugh at all times, both in class and out. She is always ready for a good time, but knows when to settle down to business.
"Joys too exquisite to last,
And yet more exquisite when past." — Montgomery.
Bessie Miller
Bessie is one of our fair scholars, and can always be depended upon, even to having her homework. Her appearance in the school orchestra for several years has set her down as a good musician. Bessie's pleasantness and cheery smile have won her many friends. Such girls as Bessie help to make our class the best ever.
"The present eye praises the present object." — Shakespeare.
Stella Mireault
Here is another of the fortunate few on the first honor roll! In all of her classes Stella is at the head. She was, too, a deserving candidate for the "brightest girl." She is not only smart herself, but is willing to help a struggler along over difficulties that are not difficulties at all for her. In popular language, Stella is a "shark."
"In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare." — Pope
Margaret Mitchell
A.A., Math, Q.
"Halloooo!" Can't you hear her? It's "Migs" Mitchell, of course, always up to something. "Migs" is full of life and added a good bit of zest to "Q" Club when she joined in '23. The fact that "Peg" is our most mischievous girl is a proof of her popularity. "Migs" possesses that happy-go-lucky disposition which all of us wish we had. She always makes a pleasant impression and is everywhere gladly received.
"Man is no match for woman where mischief reigns." — Balzac.
Julia More
A.A., Q.
Julia has preferred having a few real friends and devoting her time to them rather than having a large circle and knowing each slightly. Although "Judy" has stayed out of the limelight, in her own circle she is quite a leader and capable of surprising many of us. Julia believes in enjoying life and making others enjoy it with her.
"Every individual nature has its own beauty." — Emerson.
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