Holyoke High School Yearbook
Enid Whitmore
Q., Math., Classical, A.A.
Three cheers for our class poet, Enid Whitmore! You don't very often meet a girl who excels in poetry and mathematics also. Enid does. In fact, Enid shines in all her studies, and is a high honor student. The social side of H.H.S. has also attracted Enid. She wouldn't dream of missing a club meeting or a club dance. Enid is also an editor of this book, and any cleverness you may find here may be traced back to her.
"Was ever poet so trusted before." —Johnson.
Irene Williams
French, Q.
Yes, she is just a wee bit conscious of her newly acquired "bob", but never mind, Irene, it is becoming. Our attention is taken from the bob by Irene's delightful laugh. No one has a more ripply, happy, tinkly little laugh than she. It carries you far away from school and studies into realms of happiness. That is why everyone loves Irene's company.
"Laughs like the ripples on a lake were thrilled." —Pope.
Viola Wolcott
"Vi" generally arrives at school between 8:19 and 8:20. She is always in a hurry, but seems to succeed in getting where she wants to go. That is one of "Vi's" characteristic, and it has been shown in her school work that, tho9ugh she may seem to be behind, she always gets here on time.
"Let your haste comment your duty." —Shakespeare.
Ruth Woods
Who is that charming girl? Why that is Ruth Woods. Will you ever forget her on pigtail day with her pigtails and many colored ribbons. Wasn't she the most bewitching girl you ever saw? We all adore Ruth Woods, for she just naturally creeps into the hearts of everybody. Ruth is always on hand for every social affair and never misses a dance. And Ruth certainly can dance.
"Hi goodness heightens beauty!" —Hanah More.
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