Holyoke High School Yearbook
William Minkley
Phi Alpha.
Bill is one of those cheerful, good-natured chaps we enjoy being with. His smile and wavy hair (didn't cost $25, either) have attracted many. The weaker sex, also! "Bill", in spare hours, gets poetic about his Chandler, but it's worth while, we'll say. As for cutting up sentences for dreaming! He's the leading surgeon! Farewell, "Bill," and good luck from all.
"Man is more than constitutions." — Whittier.
Thomas Miner
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Although "Tom" is quiet, he is a real friend. He always fits in a crowd and is willing to do whatever he is asked. Many is the time when he has come to the rescue with his little Ford. "Tom's" special delight is math — math in any form, whether it man be algebra, geometry or even trig. He loves to tackle problems no one else can do, and "Tom" generally succeeds in solving them.
"Fortitude" is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will and the foot of reason." — Bacon.
Henry Moggio
French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Henry is one of the fastest men in the school, winning his letter in track. But he never takes anything for granted. He wants proof. For this reason he makes a fine mathematician, and always takes part in the meetings of the Mathematics Club. Henry is popular among the fellows.
"Who does the best his circumstances allows,
Does well, acts nobly' angels could no more." — Young.
Philip Mondor
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
"Phil" is another quiet fellow. He goes around in his quiet way, yet he has a host of friends. He is always ready to be of some help to some fellow and what he does he does willingly. "Phil" never loses his grin — though many people are cheered by it and take it for their own. Would that we all were as happy as "Phil"!
"A good laugh is sunshine in a house." — Thackeray.
Thomas Moriarty
Phi Alpha.
"Tom" is one of our more amiable and best-natured boys. He is one of our quiet but clever members who says what he means when he means it. By this we mean that "Tom" is frank. He has the strength of his convictions, and they are strong enough to give him firm support. That is why we like "Tom." There is something straight and honest-to-goodness" about him that must be admired.
"Armed so strong in honesty." — Shakespeare.
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