Holyoke High School Yearbook
John Daly
Phi Alpha.
We shall now introduce John Daly. Oh we know that no introduction is needed, as you all know him. Yes, John has been quite popular during his high school career, and his host of friends think him a real sport. He has loyally supported all our teams and our school clubs. He has a sunny disposition and always sees the cheerful side of everything. We need members like John.
"Here's metal more attractive." — Shakespeare.
Edgar Fleury
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
Edgar was a quiet chap whom we all liked and appreciated as a friend. His patience and unruffled disposition made him one of our favorites, although a quiet one. We were all sorry that Edgar was obliged to leave us so early in his senior year, but time has not allowed us to forget him. He made a valuable member of our class, and we all realize his true worth.
"They are never alone who are accompanied with noble thoughts." — Sidney.
Carl Lunn
A.A., Phi Alpha, Spanish.
Here is the captain of our swimming team! "Tis he who has carried that squad to victory, who has made a name for Holyoke in that sport. He is a fast swimmer and has never failed to win the laurels in the dashes. But that is not all. Carl knows how to make friends that are faithful and true. His jokes and mischief-making only make his friends appreciate his wit and cleverness the more. Carl has always stood high in his studies, and we consider him a good, all-round student.
"The victory of endurance born." — Bryant.
In Memoriam Charles Koehler
We, as a class, experienced our first sorrow when Charles Koehler, after having completed his Junior year, passed from our midst. Charles was one of our most loyal and true members, who could be depended upon for service of any sort. His host of friends knew and honored his sterling character. Ever since he has gone, we realize our strong ties of friendship and sincerely mourn his loss.
"In death a hero, as in life a friend." — Pope.
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