625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

 Professional Caterer Series


One cup of rice boiled in milk until tender; salt and season to taste; beat the yolks of three eggs with this in a deep dish; heat the whites to a still froth with a little sugar and lemon, and. spread over the rice; brown in the oven; serve cold. — Mrs. Post, Mrs. Kemp.


Soak one cup of rice in water two hours or more on the back of the stove; pour off the water and add one quart of milk; one cup of sugar; a little salt; raisins; and if you like a little nutmeg; stir all well, and when ready for the oven put pieces of butter on the top; bake one and one-half hours. — Mrs. G. L. Dickinson.


One cup of rice well washed; two quarts of new milk; pinch of salt, sugar and flavoring to taste; grate nutmeg over it, and bake in It slow oven four or five hours. — Mrs. Ward.


One pint of sifted flour; one pint of milk; one teaspoonful of baking powder; one-half teaspoonful of salt; bake, and serve with powdered sugar sprinkled over it; to be eaten with roast beef. — Mrs. H. H. Gridley.


Soak one-half box of gelatine in one-half cup of cold water, for one or two hours; pour on this two thirds pint of boiling water; add the juice of one lemon; one cup of sugar; stir and strain; have two moulds. (one two quarts, one one quart); put a layer of jelly in the larger mould and put on ice; when hard garnish with candied cherries cut in halves; pour in a few spoonsful of liquid jelly, not hot, to hold the cherries, then pour in enough to cover them; when the jelly is perfectly hard, set the small mould in the center of the large one and fill the outside space with jelly; fill the small mould with ice; set both in a basin of he water; when the jelly is hard remove the ice from the small mould, which fill with warm water and lift out carefully; the vacant place to be filled with charlotte-russe. — Mrs. C. W. Ranlet.


One quart of boiled milk; two full tablespoonsful of corn starch wet with cold milk; yolks of three eggs beaten thoroughly; add two-thirds of a cup of sugar; little salt; vanilla; heat all thoroughly together and pour into the boiled milk; when cooked, pour into the dish you wish to serve it in; beat the whites to a stiff froth, and drop on the pudding in spoonsful; then sprinkle over with sugar, and brown in the oven. — Mrs. Ward.

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