625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Michael Graves Spinner Whistle Teakettle


One cup of sugar; one cup of molasses; one cup of shortening; one cup of sour milk; two eggs; a large teaspoonful of soda, and a little salt; one tablespoonful of ginger; flour to mix, not too stiff. — Mrs. Agnes Allyn.


Two cups of sugar; three-quarters of a cup of butter; one cup of milk; three eggs; four cups of flour; three teaspoonsful of baking powder; caraway seeds if you like; drop in pan, and bake in quick oven.


Two cups of sugar; one cup of butter; one cup of milk; scant tea-spoonful of soda, dissolved in vinegar; lemon extract or caraway seeds; wet soft, and roll thin. — Mrs. Joseph Bardwell.


One cup of butter; two cups of sugar; one cup of milk; one egg; two teaspoonsful of cream of tartar; one teaspoonful of soda; flour to roll. — Mrs. E. W. Bartlett.


One cup of thick sour cream; one cup of sugar; two cups sifted flour; one egg; one even teaspoonful of soda; a little nutmeg; mix; drop from the spoon a dessert spoonful at a time, leaving an inch or more between, as they will run together. — Mrs. E. J. Pomeroy.


Four cups of flour; one cup of sugar; two-thirds cup of butter; one teaspoonful of soda; one cup of milk; salt; two teaspoonsful of cream of tartar; rub with the flour. — Mrs. L. S.


Two cups of sugar; one cup of butter; two eggs; one-half cup Of sweet milk; two teaspoonsful of cream of tartar; one teaspoonful of soda; knead stiff; roll in sugar. — Mrs. N. H. Whitten.


Two cups of sugar; one and one-third cups of sour milk; two-thirds of a cup of lard; one teaspoonful of soda; a little salt; a little lemon; and flour enough to roll it; don't get it too stiff; and roll to the thickness of an inch. — Mrs. W. R. Kemp.

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