625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

HawaiianaWare Luncheon Plate


Take one ounce of isinglass if it is cold weather, and one and one-half ounce if it is warm weather, dissolved in one pint of cold water; one pound of sugar, dissolved in one pint of cold water; the grated rind and juice of two lemons; one-half pint of Madeira wine; boil all till it jellies; strain, and fill your glasses. — Mrs. L. P. Hayward.


Take a quantity of the soft part of a loaf: break it up; cover it with boiling water, and allow it to soak for some hours; the water is them be strained out completely, and fresh water added; place the mixture on the fire, and allow it to boil for some time until it becomes smooth the water is then to be pressed out, and the bread on cooling a thick jelly; mix a portion of this with sugared milk and water; use as it is wanted. — Dr. N. R. Miller.


One package of Coxe's gelatine soaked in one pint of cold water for ten minutes; then pour in one quart of boiling water; two lemons with pulps; one quart of cider; one cup of sugar; strain into moulds. — Mrs. L. S.


In making toast three directions should be observed. Cut the bread, which should be somewhat stale, in even slices, about half an inch in thickness. If the bread is fresh slightly dry them; hold each slice a sufficient distance from the fire, which should be of clear, bright coals to keep it from burning, and let it brown evenly; for this purpose a wire broiler can be used. When the surface of one side becomes a rich, golden color, turn and heat the other side in a similar manner, until the slice is perfectly toasted; serve the moment it is done in a warm plate, dry or buttered, and it will tempt the appetite of either an invalid or an epicure. The toasting effectually destroys the yeast germs in the bread, and converts the starch into dextrine, which is readily soluble. — Dr. J. U. Woods.


Take one dozen plump oysters, mince them; season with pepper and pinch of nutmeg; beat the yolks of four eggs, and mix them with half a pint of cream; put the whole into a saucepan; set over the fire to simmer till thick; stir well, but don't let it boil; toast five pieces of bread, and butter them; pour the above, when near boiling point, over the toast. — Dr. E. L. Draper.


Mix a tablespoonful of arrowroot with cold water; put it over the fire in a porcelain lined saucepan; add a pint of boiling milk, stirring constantly, and one egg well beaten, with a tablespoonful of white sugar; let it boil for five or ten minutes; if a baked pudding is preferred, it may be mixed in the same way, and baked in a moderately quick oven for twenty or thirty minutes; may be taken in the early periods of convalescence. — Dr. L. M. Tuttle.

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