John J. Lynch Junior High School
Class of 1954



Robert Hinkley, Wayne Giroux.

First Row:
Eugene Martin, Harold Hurley, John Newton, Alan Hurlburt, Coach Norman Hiersche, David McHugh, Donald Russell, and Richard Gerhardt.

Second Row:
Managers Frederick Barowsky and Edward Finnerty, Ronald Trudeau, Michael Gordon, Paul Kennedy, Thomas Lesieur, and Manager Edward Maher.

The basketball team of 1953 - 1954 played very well this season. Al Hurlburt, Gene Martin, Johnny Newton and Bob Hinkley were the outstanding players. Top scorer was Alan Hurlburt with an average of 20 points per game. We made a nine to six victory, and we lost by a little over 2 points per game. "Rick" Barowsky, Ed Finnerty, and "Chrub" Maher, did fine jobs as managers.

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