John J. Lynch Junior High School
Class of 1956

Sports Representatives

Sports Representatives

First Row:
Charles Della Penna, Edward Nadarzynski, Arthur Roberts, John Sbregam Howard Wainstein, John Creane, Stephen Dublio, Edward Gill.

Second Row:
John Sweeney, Tom Brosnan, William Hartman, Ramon Gonzales, Frank Ashe, William Bauer, Kenneth Gehan, John Shea.

Third Row:
Gilbert Beaudreau, Reginald Odabashian, Richard Butler, Robert Kopfer, george Pistey, Edmund Woods, William Dowling.

Intramural athletics form the major part of the sports program at Lynch School.

The schedules are drawn up and the teams are formed by sports representatives, which are elected by each section of the school.

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