John J. Lynch Junior High School
Class of 1956

Junior I T and C

Junior I T and C

First Row:
Leona Kingman, Fay Szewczynski, Judith West, Noreen Ryan, Rosalie Sullivan, Mary Doran, Elaine Prych, Judith Maheu, Barbara Taft, Susan Fleury, Hazel Tenney, Charlotte Cohan.

Second Row:
Howard Greaney, John Traffley, Donald Black, Herbert Passo, Steven Saltman, Terence Scanlon, Edward Clark, Mark McGarrity, Elizabeth Morneau, Carol Hunt, Edward Nowak, John Judge, Donald Barrington, Mark Litchman, Edward Zyra, Donald Young, William VanKleeck, William Sutter.

Third Row:
Stepen Robert, Peter Lussier, Winthrop Goulding, Donald Shea, Nicholas Smazek, Richard Bombard, Walter Hollinger, Stephen Wojnar, Robert Cervonayco, Todd Sloan, Barry Epstein, Richard Stone, Ralph Bischoff, Thomas Brosnan, Peter Oldershaw, John Dowling.

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