The Hampden Glazed Paper and Card Company
The Hampden Glazed Paper and Card Company was incorporated October 11, 1880, and the corporation organized and began business with a capital of $28,000, locating in the first mill east of the Connecticut river and occupying two floors of that mill. On November 22, 1882, the company doubled its stock, purchased the present mill site and during the winter following, built the present mill. The capacity of the mill is now eight times what it was and the output has correspondingly increased.
The product of the mill is surface coated papers and cardboard of all kinds. The plant is thoroughly equipped with the necessary machinery for the production of this class of goods, as some time since all old machinery was discarded and new works substituted. A large proportion of the product is fine lithographic paper and a specialty is made of the finer grade of high-finish glazed papers and embossed papers and the line of finer products, especially for fine color printing papers, is being constantly increased. About eighty hands are employed.
The company has made for itself and excellent reputation through the quality of its goods, which accounts for the rapid increase in the amount of its product, and the personal attention given to its business by every officer of the corporation also accounts for much of its success. George F. Fowler is president; T.H. Fowler, treasurer, and N.N. Fowler, secretary, while associated with these brothers and largely identified with them is another, R.P. Fowler.
The Board of Directors consist of Messrs. George F. and T.H. Fowler, with Aaron Bagg and Edward P. Bagg of the Parsons company, and George A. Clark of the Newton Company.
The Hampden Glazed Paper and Card Company, Holyoke, Mass.
The Nonotuck Paper Company.
The Nonotuck Paper Company of Holyoke, whose mill buildings are pictured on the opposite pages, was organized in June 1880, and began the manufacture of paper in December of that year. The original plans were for a one-machine mill, to turn out five tons daily, but in July, 1881, a second machine was added and the product increased to about twelve tons.
In January, 1892, this corporation purchased and came into possession of the mill property of the Syms & Dudley Paper Company, adjoining their original plant, and by this purchase increased their capacity to twenty-five tons daily, and became the largest producers of their particular line of papers of any mill in the country.
The papers manufactured by the "Nonotuck" are of great variety and include animal-sized flat and ruled writings, envelope, map, super-calendered and machine-finished book, also enameled book, coated label and lithograph papers. The number of its employes is about 325, and the weekly pay roll is $3,000.
The officers of the company are Aaron Bagg, Jr., president; J.S. McElwain, clerk, and H.D. Bradburn, manager, the active management of the business being now , as from the first, in the hands of Mr. Bradburn and Mr. Heywood.
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