Merrick Lumber Company.
Holyoke is celebrated not alone for its paper mills, but the ease and perfection with which her mechanics can assemble everything together for construction of anything, especially in the building line, and one of the foremost and best known mediums in the latter respect is the Merrick Lumber Company, with its yards and offices at Holyoke, Westfield and Northampton.
Branch Yard — Northampton, Mass.
The name of Merrick has been inseparably connected with the lumber business in Holyoke for many years. John Merrick was the pioneer for his name, in 1869, starting at South Holyoke. A.J. Merrick joined him January 1, 1873, and the firm of J. Merrick & Company thus continues until May 1, 1875, when a new partnership was formed, with the admission of Timothy and J.S. Merrick to the firm. In 1884 a stock company was organized, with Timothy Merrick as president and Edwin Bradley as treasurer, under the name of Merrick Lumber Company, with a capital of $75,000. This form of corporation has continued since with great success, until to-day the company employs 75 men and its pay roll annually amounts to $50,000.
Merrick Lumber Company—Main Yards and Shops—Holyoke, Mass.
Branch Yard — Westfield, Mass.
The well equipped and methodically arranged lumber piles of the company in Holyoke are a familiar sight to the traveler on the cars and the business there, as well as at Westfield and Northampton, has grown to great proportions.
The Merrick Lumber Company are not only dealers in all kinds of lumber, but they are wood workers. They furnish cabinet and stair work, fine finish, hand carving, veneered doors, panel work, mouldings, door frames and paint, oils and glass. Estimates are gladly given on these items at short notice.
Many varieties and all thicknesses of lumber are carried in stock, such as Norway pine, cherry, black walnut, white oak, maple, birch, white-wood, brown and white ash, quartered oak and sycamore, etc. These woods are all thoroughly kiln-dried and ready for working up at quick notice. One of the largest buildings on the premises at Holyoke, 40 x 80 feet and three stories high, is used for kiln-drying the timber and storing it after drying, and thus is insured absolute perfection in this important item. White-wood, maple and ash squares are also kept in stock, together with lath, pickets and shingles.
The company claim to have the largest and best equipped wood-working shops in their part of the State, and appearances seem to indicate the justice of their claim.
Orders may be left at the branch years in Westfield and Northampton, for anything which is to come from the main yard and shops at Holyoke.
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