Credit to Whom Credit is Due.
First Level Canal, North From Sargeant Street.
Ready to have their Pictures Taken.
The large majority of pictures in this volume were specially drawn or photographed for this work, but there have been as well many attractive contributions from outside sources. Some particularly charmig work has been done with the camera by William A. Prentiss, and we are fortunate in being able to place before the public the photographs which he kindly allowed us to use.
Newton Place.
Many of our canoeing pictures are to be credited to Frank Metcalf. Mrs. William Whiting, John W. Dickenson, F.B. Towne and Fayette Smith furnished a variety of clever and pleasing photographs, and many others have lent their aid to whom we can only make a general acknowledgement.
Ex-Mayor Crafts was a valuable help to the literary part of the work in drawing upon his fund of anecdote and memories of Holyoke’s earlier days for the benefit of the work. To Miss Adelaide Moffat and Miss Louise Cable we are indebted for permission to reproduce examples of their paintings. Thanks are due Mrs. I.H. Ferry, who for some years has been a teacher of art in the Holyoke schools for the quaint water color of one of the city alleys, which we have had engraved for our pages.
A number of the pen and ink drawings of architecture or groups of children are the work of Walter Cox, whose facility in this line is very promising. D.E. Butler, the High street photographer, developed and printed our own artist’s pictures, and deserves credit for faithful work.
A Remarkable Nose.—The following advertisement, clipped from an enterprising daily, is of more than ordinary interest: "Run away—A hired man named John; his nose turned up five feet eight inches high and had on a pair of corduroy pants, much worn."
Looking up the Alley.
Along the Canal.
© Laurel O’Donnell 1996 - 2006, all rights reserved
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This is an edited adaptation from the original publication.