In the fall of 1891, preparations were made for an Art exhibition. The owners of paintings generously offered to loan them, and as a result the first Loan Exhibition was held at Unity Chapel, the following January. This marks a most important step in Holyoke Art, and the fine collection brought together here was a source of surprise and pleasure, for in a quiet way many of Holyoke's citizens have come into the possession of paintings unsurpassed in merit by any of the Connecticut valley.
A View From the Bridge.
Owing to the lack of room, but eighty-four pictures were shown, chosen by a competent committee from the best in the city; a large number of fine water colors could have been secured, but it was decided from the first that the collection should consist of oils only. Among the sixty-three artists represented were such well-known names as Ridgeway, Knight, Lerolle, Hart, Moran Parton, Satterlee, Schreyer, DeHaas and J.G. Brown. As an Art Exhibition, it was a decided success, and one in which a much larger and older city could take great pride. Many visitors were attracted from the surrounding cities and towns, and its effect was seen in the number of pictures purchased by Holyokers since the exhibition. In fact, so many fine ones have since been bought by different members of the society, that an equally good exhibition of entirely new pictures might soon be given. This project of affording the people an opportunity of viewing works of art is to be highly commended, and it is hoped that these exhibitions, which are such a practical value, will become a permanent feature in the life of the city. While Holyoke has an organization to foster a love of Art, it has also places where practical instruction is given and artistic taste developed. At the annual exhibition of drawing given at the High School this year, 0work was shown by the scholars of the different schools, that attracted much attention, visitors even coming from other states, and the drawing, in some of its branches, was pronounced to be the finest of its kind in Massachusetts. In all the public schools, instruction is given in drawing to a large number of scholars, and those who desire it may continue their study after graduation. Under the efficient leadership of Mrs. I.E. Ferry the standard is being constantly raised, and better work is done each year by the pupils.
A View From the Bridge.
There is also a very flourishing studio art class which has been in existence for two years under the care of Miss Adelaide Moffat. Painting, both in oils and water colors, is taught, as well as charcoal drawing and wood carving. The number of students has steadily increased and much interest is shown by the different classes. A most successful and enthusiastic class has also been formed of employes in some of our mills. Each year Miss Moffat has had a Christmas sale, at which the work of the fall is shown, and this year is was supplemented by a summer exhibit, showing that very credible work was being done in all the different branches of instruction.
In passing the mills, the attention is often arrested by the green vines which in some cases have nearly covered all the walls making the buildings "things of beauty." So Holyoke Art, adorning the city, will exert a growing influence as time goes on and make itself felt far beyond the city limits.
A Plainville Landscape.
A Spring Street Team.
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