History of Holyoke's Churches
German Reformed Church
Rev. Henry Frech, Pastor
This congregation is an organic part of the Reformed Church in the United States, and is governed by the constitution, laws, and rules of said church. The Reformed Church in the United States is the American representative of the earliest group of churches which sprang from the great religious movement of the sixteenth century, of which Zwingli and Calvin were distinguished exponents. It is historically derived from the Reformed churches of Switzerland and Germany; its confession is the Heidelberg Catechism, and its polity is Calvin's Presbyterianism. The denomination has some 300,000 members in the United States, and raises about $2,500,000 a year for maintenance and benevolence.
The Holyoke German Reformed Church was organized October 16, 1892, with 17 members, and of the charter members five are still alive. The present membership is 152.
German Reformed Church
The roll of pastors follows: Rev. Albert Bruchlos, December, 1892-September, 1896; Rev. Henry Van Hagen, September, 1896-September 1897; Rev. Jacob Weber, September 1897-July 1903; Rev. G.H. Settlage, August, 1903-January, 1910; Rev. Henry Frech, May, 1910 until the present time .
At the corner of Elm and Sargeant streets stands the beautiful and churchly building of this congregation.
Rev. Henry Frech
The church is thoroughly organized, and also conducts a week-day school for the training of its children. the presiding officers of the different boards and societies are as follows: Church Council, Henry Horn; Sunday School, George Jahnig; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Oskar Schubach; Men's Brotherhood, Karl Werner; Young People's Society; Otto Scheibner, Young Men's Society, George Bilz; Ever Ready Circle, Miss Mabel Ezold; Helping Hand, Frida Blank; Sunshine Club, Mrs. Charles Thunert; Chorister, Hugo Popp; Organist; Mrs. Hugo Popp.
Preparations are being made for the proper celebration of the twentieth birthday of the church. A committee has been appointed to plan for wiping out the debt on the church property. In three months' work one-third of the necessary money has been secured, and there is the utmost confidence that the movement will be successful.
Pastor Frech has traveled much abroad, and his long pastorate in Brooklyn has given him experience which is proving most valuable to his church here.
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