Poetry Dedicated to Holyoke
When the Transcript announced its special Thirtieth anniversary Edition, it offered a prize of $25 for the Best Poem to be written on any phase of Holyoke life. The matter of judging the prize poem was left to a committee of three, Miss Lillian Fay of the High School faculty, Principal John A. Callahan of the Highland School, and Rev. John S. Lyon. The Committee, duly considering all, awarded the first prize to Miss Rachael Clark, whose poem is used on the first page of this paper. They were so impressed with the excellence of the poems offered by Miss Anna M. Laporte and Mrs. H.A. Rhoades that they are also included, presenting as they do other viewpoints of Holyoke's present and future greatness.
"Holyoke", by Rachel Louise Clark
Holyoke, by Mrs. H.A. Rhoades
Ode To Holyoke, by Miss Anna Marie Laporte
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