Holyoke High School Yearbook
Barbara Chase
Classical, Q.
Three cheers for the brightest girl in the class! "Bab" is one of the few girls whose name has never failed to appear on the first honor roll. In all of her classes she is at the head. When teachers are about ready to give it up in despair at the stupidity of the class, they turn with a relieved expression to Barbara.
"Sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge." -- Sydney.
Rachel Childs
A.A., French, Q.
It is practically impossible to say all that should be said about "Ray." A class officer for two years in H. H. S., secretary of the "Q" Club, and one of the associate editors of the "Annual" are a few of her honors. "Ray" is equally at home on the gym floor or on the stage. She enters everything with vim and often succeeds where others fail.
"Push on, -- keep moving." -- Morton.
Ruth Clarenbach
A.A., Q.
It is hard to know what to say about Ruth. She is a nice, friendly girl, whom everyone who knows her likes. Because she is modest and rather shy that does not mean that she is not an active participant in all good times. She does her part in a quiet unassuming way.
"For never anything can be amiss,
When simpleness and duty tender it." -- Shakespeare.
Edith Coe
French, Art, Q., Spanish.
Edith is one who belongs to our list of jolly girls. No one can ever remember seeing her cross or upset, always the same happy-go-lucky "gal." As for laughing - you'd have to "go some" to outclass Edith. The giggles were forthcoming at all times, especially during drawing periods in Room 80, in fact at any time she should be working.
"Sweet intercourse of looks and smiles; for smiles from reason flow." -- Milton.
Kathleen Connolly
Q., A.A., French.
You don't need three guesses! Of course it is "Kay" Connolly. "Kay is one of the most popular girls of '24. Not only is "Kay" known by the Seniors but by all other classes as well. "Kay" is everybody's friend, ready and willing to help at all times.
"That action which appears most conducive to the happiness and virtue of mankind." -- Francis Hutcheson.
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