Holyoke High School Yearbook
Mildred Crosier
A.A., Q.
We welcome Mildred Crosier to these pages most gladly. For "Milly" is just the kind of girl we like to have around. She may be quiet, but well, so was Abraham Lincoln. So are all truly great people. "Milly" is a girl really worth knowing. IN our ordinary, happy-go-lucky, rather egotistical way of mixing with each other, we oftentimes overlook real genuine value.
"It is tranquil people who accomplish much." — Thoreau.
Lucelia Davis
A.A., Q.
Here is a jolly, good-natured girl, who is always saying clever things in clever ways. Even an ordinary statement sounds better from her because of the way in which she says it. It is not what she says chiefly, but the way in which she says it that is clever. "Celie's" extremely optimistic view of life is one thing that deserves credit.
"They laugh that win." — Shakespeare.
Mildred Davis
A.A., French, Q.
When we mention "Buster" Davis you immediately think of "Pigtail Day," when Mildred displayed her long, naturally curly hair. We also think of peaches and cream complexion (also natural). "Buster" is ever laughing and smiling.
"A face with gladness overspread!
Soft smiles, by human kindness bred!" — Wordsworth.
Nera Davis
Q., A.A.
Popular? We'll say so. The fact that she is president of the "Q" Club girls proves this. The "Q" Club girls have been very proud of Nera this year, as she presided so gracefully at all our meetings. She might give one the impression of being shy, but we know that her shyness is only skin deep. We are sure Nera's friendship comes straight from her heart.
"Music is well said to be the speech of angels." — Carlyle.
Ethel Dean
Ethel is a quiet girl who loves quiet talk and quiet manners. Everything she does is inconspicuous, even though it is something that others would regard as a thing to be proud of. Ethel is always anxious to please everyone. If everyone else is not satisfied, Ethel is not satisfied. Of course it is impossible to please everyone.
"Studious to please, yet not ashamed to fail." -- Johnson
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