Holyoke High School Yearbook
Helen Goehring
A.A., Q.
We welcome Helen to these pages gladly. Helen is very famous as an expert driver. Her frequent parties have been the topic of much discussion, too. Helen is one of the stable members of our class - the kind of girl upon whom we can always depend.
"Good sense and good nature are never separated." —Dryden.
Mabel Gold
A.A., Q.
Look at that smile! Isn't it just like her? Mabel's smile is known throughout the school. The Class of '24 cannot claim a more cheerful girl than Mabel Gold. She is one of our studious girls, too, history being her strong point. Mabel's wish is that there were more history courses in the school.
"A smile recurs the wounding of a frown." —Shakespeare.
Lillian Gouin
"Oh, Lil, won't you play for us?" And Lil proceeds to play the latest "hits: of the season. The girls would be lost without "Lil" Gouin to play the piano for them to dance. We surely do enjoy having her around. This is not the only way in which "Lil" is clever. She is a fine scholar, and averages high in all her studies. We heartily appreciate what "Lil" has done for us."
"A tender heart, a will inflexible." — Longfellow.
Alice Goy
A.A., Q.
Behold - our wittiest girl! Yes, "Dick" has a sense of humor all her own. The things she says possess and originality that most of us envy. Is she not one of our class prophets? And who is there in the class better able to hold this honor that "Al" Goy? Some of our "Q" Club meetings could not have come to a successful close without the aid of "Dick" and her violin.
"Those who object to wit are envious of it." — Haslitt.
Emily Gruzdis
Emily does not believe in making herself conspicuous in any way. She is one about whom we hear little. When you know her, however, you find in her a friend worth while, who will stand up for you to the end. Emily has ability, too, even though we do not hear much about it.
"Her single talent well employ'd" — Johnson.
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