Holyoke High School Yearbook
Mary Guimond
Mary chatters and chatters, but we all like to listen to her. There is no need for a quiet moment when she is around. She insists on being the life of the party and she always is. But Mary is not all fun. She believes in tending to her studies before she sees what mischief she can do. Mary has a winning personality and has gained many lasting friends during her high school course.
Generous, guiltless, and a free disposition." — Shakespeare.
Claire Harrington
Claire is one of our girls who does not make a noise about what she does. She is quiet and good-natured and has a sweet disposition. She has always been willing to put time and effort into her school work, that she might learn something from it. She has always passed her subjects with ease. It has been a great privilege to have Claire as a member of our class, and we are glad to have had the chance to know her.
"The mildest manner and the gentlest heart." — Homer.
Mary Harrington
A.A., Math.
Mary is our "classiest" girl! She is up to the minute in styles, and in fact has often been called a "walking style-book." She has all the latest fads and fancies in manners as well as in dress. Then too, Mary can flirt! She has such an innocent, pleading way of looking at you. We cannot deny that she can captivate a young man with her charming ways.
"Blest with that charm, that certainty to please." — Rogers.
Vivian Healey
A.A., Q.
Here is our future Anna Pavlowa. Nineteen hundred and twenty-four has the greatest hopes and expectations for "Viv" Healey. She can dance way up on her tiptoes. "Tis the "Q" Club girls who have enjoyed her dancing most. But aside from this, "Viv," with her generous spirit and friendly disposition, has made many lasting friends among the members of '24.
"Come and trip it as you go,
On the light fantastic toe." — Milton.
Julia Hickey
We welcome Julia Hickey to these pages most gladly. Julia has never appeared very much before the eye of the public, but in spite of this fact nearly everybody in the school knows her. Julia is a girl who can mix in anywhere and be friendly. Any gathering is certainly lucky to have Julia in its midst. Julia's sweet disposition has gainedmany friends for her in '24.
"The way to gain a friend is to be one." —Mickelet.
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