Holyoke High School Yearbook
Rose Hollup
Rose is one of our "domestic science" girls. Though the general opinion is that girls interested in these housewifely duties are quiet and demure, Rose immediately shatters and such thought. Her greatest joy and pleasure is to whisper and plan some mischief during classes. Many times she has proven how contagious her laughter is by making the entire class where she is follow her lead.
"Splitting the air with noise." — Shakespeare.
Elizabeth Horrigan
A.A., Q.
Elizabeth Horrigan is one of our quiet girls. But we don't mind that, for she is one of the stable members of our class -the kind of girl upon whom we can always depend. She isn't one of the pushing kind - perhaps that is why we all like her so well - but she always stands ready to help in any way she can.
"There is no one subsists by himself alone." — Feltham.
Lillian Hynd
Lillian is a sweet, little girl, full of life and happiness. She is an earnest, thoughtful, hard worker, when she wants to work; although her nature, always so full of spirit, does not allow her to work very much of the time. When she does do anything, however, she puts her whole heart and soul into it. Some of her themes and original stories show promising literary ability, if only she cared to develop it.
"Freedom has a thousand charms to show." — Cowper
Alice Johnston
Alice is one of our jolly, good-natured girls, who has faithfully served us at the lunch counter during the past year. We all know that one must be endowed with a great deal of patience to be able to keep her temper at such a post. Alice has always been a very good student and has been attentive in her classes.
"As prone to mischief as able to perform it." — Anon.
Miriam Jones
A.A., Q., Dramatic.
Our class secretary needs no introduction. We all know her to be a determined girl, willing to work faithfully for her class. Her fame as an athlete has made us very proud of her, but "Mim" has also been active in other circles of school life. She has successfully "made" dramatics, and has also been prominent in our class plays.
"Purpose is what gives life a meaning." — Pankhurst.
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