Holyoke High School Yearbook
Marion Odabashion
Would that we all had such a quiet, peaceful disposition as Marion. She has such a pleasant nature it is impossible to argue with her. An argument would never cross her mind. But who would try to argue with a sweet girl like Marion? No one who knows Marion Odabashion can fail to recognize in her all that makes a splendid friend as well as a good student.
"Peace is the fairest form of happiness." — W. E. Channing.
Margaret O'Neill
A.A., Q.
"Peggy" is one of the happy-go-lucky girls in our class. Even though she herself is not so very large, her laugh is, and it certainly is hard to be gloomy when she is around. Of course, she isn't all fun, though. "Peg" studies, too, and is really very industrious for such a jolly, little girl.
"A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men." — Hargrove.
Alice Osborne
Alice is one of '24's more valuable members - - one of the quiet kind, yet always ready to help out in anything. Alice is the kind of girl we like to have around. "Al" shines in all our different societies, and us a splendid student also. To all her friends, "Al" is a real pal. She has always made the most of her high school years.
"Exhausting thought, and living wisdom with each studious year." — Byron.
Ruth Osborne
A.A., Q.
Ruth is cute - - there is no denying of that very evident fact. But she is always witty and good-natured. These two characteristics rather than her pretty face and hair and clothes make her lovable. Ruth seems sometimes to want her own way, but the minute she finds that she is wrong she is willing to acknowledge her mistake.
"Friendship is Love without his wings." — Byron.
Sylvia Pariseau
A.A., Q.
With a hop, skip, and a jump Sylvia Pariseau enters the line. But this is not unusual, for "Syl" is one of our best athletes. Sylvia's display of apparatus work at the Gymnasium Exhibition was beyond criticism. The audience marveled at the wonderful stunts she performed.
"Action, so to speak, is the genius of nature." — Blair.
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