Holyoke High School Yearbook
Jean Pattison
We shall always remember Jean for two things, her curly locks and her laugh. Her laugh is about the most contagious thing we know. She starts with a gurgle, and then - - we just cannot describe the rest of it. Jean is the combination of a charming laugh, a charming disposition, and a charming personality. She is also an accomplished mischief-maker; so when you hear that gurgling laugh of hers you may be sure some new prank is in the process of development.
"Is there anything in lide as lovely as the laugh of a young girl." — Richter.
Rose Persky
A.A., Q.
Rose is one of our leading class suffragettes. She certainly stands up to her beliefs and generally comes out on top. If she doesn't it's not her fault; she tries hard enough. Rose has a pleasant disposition and her many friends claim her to be a good sport. Her company is a pleasure. We shall always remember Rose.
"Do you not know I am a woman? What I think I must speak." — Shakespeare.
Ethola Phillips
"Thola" is the sort of girl that we all should aim to be like. Perhaps the most marked thing about her is she is able to adapt herself to almost anyone she is with. She is impartial and undiscriminating. Her aim seems to be to please everyone, and indeed, she is never said to offend.
"It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everybody." — Syrus.
Mildred Picard
A.A., Q.
Everyone knows "Milly Picky" as a star performer in the water. She has won her popularity in the school largely because of being one of the five best swimmers in our school chosen to represent us at a meet in Boston.
"Milly" is a rollicking, jolly girl, just full of fun.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." — Old Testament.
Irene Pinney
A.A., Q.
Irene is our class beauty, the prettiest of our many pretty girls. We might say, in describing Irene, "the sweetest garland to the sweetest main," for Irene is sweet, both in disposition and looks. She has always been prominent in all our social affairs, being popular with all her classmates.
"For her own person it beggared all description." — Shakespeare.
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