Holyoke High School Yearbook
Sylvia Radner
No, you can't pass Sylvia because there is always a "hello" and a grin waiting for you. Sylvia is a good pianist and also quite a singer. Her ability as a singer was brought to light when Sylvia sang in the famous operetta, "The Nautical Knot." That was when Sylvia was only a wee sophomore.
"Thy voice is a celestial melody." —Longfellow.
Luella Rainville
The spirit of happiness predominates over Luella continually. Her giggles and smiles are proof of this, and she has a ready answer for every statement made. Luella is a good student and also appears at many of the games and dances. Then, too, Luella is the kind of a girl we call "classy." A pleasant manner, a happy smile, and her neat appearance are the factors which have made Luella the very interesting person she is.
"Splitting the air with noise." —Shakespeare.
Elizabeth Ramsden
A.A., French, Spanish.
Elizabeth reminds us of one of those lacy, old-fashioned bouquets. She is so demure and so quiet. We can't imagine her shrieking and tearing through the halls as many of out supposedly dignified senior girls do. Wherever she goes she makes new friends. In H.H.S. she has always been in the good graces of all of her teachers.
"There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple." —Shakespeare.
Madonna Rayner
"Oh, isn't that dress darling?" Ah, there's Madonna, the girl who loves clothes! You can always count on Madonna's noticing every new dress or every new pair of shoes. Nothing in the line of pretty things to wear escapes Madonna's appreciative but critical eye. She certainly shows this love of clothes and also her fine taste in her own clothes.
"I laugh, for hope hath place with me." —Channing.
Lillian Riley
A.A., Q.
Who is that "classy" girl? Need you ask? That is "Lil" Riley. "Lil" is a regular fashion plate. Many girls have sighed and gazed with envy when "Lil" has strolled into "53". She simply doesn't believe in wearing the same dress twice. But we wouldn't either if we had as many dressed as "Lil" has. "Lil" has been a faithful worker and a good student.
"He is only fantastical that is not in fashion." —Burton.
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