Holyoke High School Yearbook
Arletta Polson
A.A., Q.
"Letta" is tall, thin and athletic. Her slender supple body simply swings into all sorts of graceful movements enviously, easily, and smoothly, without any apparent effort at all. She runs swiftly as a deer and jumps lightly as a hare. Then, too, Arletta can swim all manner of strokes, and can do all the fanciest of strokes.
"Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings." — Syrus.
Helen Popkiewicz
Here comes Helen, rushing of course. There is nothing slow about Helen. She believes in making life snappy. You should see her running through her apparatus exercises at gym. She certainly is a cyclone. We hardly blame Helen for smiling all the time.
"Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, to those who possess it." — Beecher.
Evelyn Powers
A.A., Q.
Enter "Eve" at 8:19! "Eve" arrived at school one morning at 7:15 a.m.! She made up for it the next morning, however, by coming in at - - well, we won't say when. Evelyn's happy-go-lucky nature has made her popular with her classmates. She is willing to do a good turn for everyone, and her friends say that it is impossible to quarrel with her. It just isn't in her "make-up."
"Better late than never." — Jusser.
Phyllis Pratt
French, Q.
Phyllis is a girl really worth knowing. In our ordinary way of mixing with each other we sometimes overlook real, genuine value. Phyllis is interested in everyone and everything. She is always the same happy and pleasing person. Phyllis is a hard worker, and she has received her reward - - a reward which everyone would like to receive - - the hearty admiration of hosts of friends.
"Generous, guiltless, and a free disposition." — Shakespeare.
Annie Price
Smiling, cheerful and true, and many kind thing she will do. Annie is the kind of a girl who would do anybody a favor; it is just her nature. She has many friends who think there is no one quite like her. She is one of our few shy but really worth while girls who have made school a pleasure, and knowing her a treat.
"A shy face is better than a forward heart." — Cervantes.
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