Holyoke High School Yearbook
Robert Batchelor
A.A., Phi Alpha.
With a hearty laugh "Bob" Batchelor enters the list. Yes, "Bob" is a happy individual. Anyone in his company cannot but feel the effects of his happy, cheerful disposition. He has been a liberal supporter of Phi Alpha, and has always been on hand, for all school activities. He seems to have a disposition which belies all worry.
"Be thou of good cheer." — Bible.
Robert Bates
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Though "Bob" entered his class in his Senior year he has become one of our best-known and most popular classmates. When knew when he came, if only be the set of his chin, that he would be one of our most determined fellows. When "Bob" sets out to do a thing, he does it, no matter how long it takes.
"He only is a well-made man who has a good determination." — Emerson.
Francis Bennett
A.A., Phi Alpha.
"Fran" is one of those poetic fellows. His flowing locks and the many votes received for Class Poet prove that. He is rather slow of speech, but he always says something worth listening to. His jolly good nature insures his having a host of friends after he leaves Holyoke High as he did while he was here.
"Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior." — Juvenal.
Harold Bialkowsky
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Here is our "math" shark! We admit he is small, but all Mathematic Club members will agree that he knows "a whole lot." When Harold makes a statement he sticks to it. But why shouldn't he? He is always right. An argument with Harold means your Waterloo.
"Look on the boy;
And let his manly face, which promiseth
Successful fortune, steel thy melting heart." — Shakespeare.
Otto Bilz
A.A., Phi Alpha.
"Bilzie" is one of our firm supporters of all athletic contests, and can be heard if not seen. Otto, however, never had the ability of fixing up excuses for gym classes, but, in spite of that, he traveled the road of success very well. Otto's friends have always found him ready to help in everything, work or play. We are all proud to boast that Otto was a member of our class.
"A schoolboy's tale, the wonder of an hour." — Byron.
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