Holyoke High School Yearbook
William Bosworth
Phi Alpha, A.A.
"Billie" is one of the few "red heads" in the class. But that signifies nothing, for he is one of our jolliest. "Billie" is always ready for fun, and many mischievous pranks may be traced back to him. He does not get out of humor easily. He takes jokes on himself the way he wants his mischief to be taken, that is, in a friendly way. "Billie" does everything in that same spirit.
"In every deed of mischief he had a heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute." — Gibbon.
John Boys
Phi Alpha.
"Johnnie" is the kind of boy who can do almost everything and always does his best. He loves the out-of-doors and knows all there is to know about camping. Then, he has a radio and spends much time with that. His school work never seems to trouble him, for he is apt in all his studies. He is another one of thje unselfish, agreeable boys who are always ready and always willing.
"Example is more efficacious than precept." — Johnson.
George Bresnahan
Phi Alpha.
Our class has many merrymakers, but George is at the top of them all. George's love for fun was displayed in class and in "53" many a time. You've heard of the "Big 3"? George is one of that famous trio. George has made many friends because of his happy-go-lucky ways. We'll always associate George with a good time.
"A bold, bad man."
Eliot Brooks
A.A., French, Math., Classical, Phi Alpha.
A quiet lad? No, not exactly; just an unassuming chap. He is one of the brightest boys in the class. Some people think that this is due to the fact that he has always been faithful and earnest in his school studies. But we all agree that it's an honor to be proud of. Then he is a member of the swimming and tennis teams and has proven himself worthy of that membership.
"There is no substitute for a thorough-going, ardent and sincere earnestness." — Dickens.
Robert Campbell
French, Math., Phi Alpha.
"Soup" acquired the name of "Senator" during the last semester. He unfailingly won any argument you cared to introduce, and will probably continue to do so. He could always be relied upon and was a staunch supporter of all school activities. When did he miss a dance or a school game?
"Strong reasons make strong action." —Shakespeare.
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