Holyoke High School Yearbook
Samuel Gordon
Math., Phi Alpha.
Sam is a great thinker and loves to discuss current problems or to explain some new inventions in science. But "Sam: is not all study. He believes in sport, too. He is a member of our trade team-and a good one at that. So "Sam" upholds well both phases of school life.
"Knowledge advances by steps, and not by leaps." — Macaulay.
Gardner Gould
A.A., Phi Alpha.
"Gouldie" is a quiet and modest youth, but remember the old adage that "Still water runs deep." "Gouldie" is known to be a shark accountant under the supervision of "E.J." If he continues so successfully he will surely make a mark for himself in the business world. "Gouldie" has supported school activities, and possesses the ability of a scholar, and the character of a good fellow.
"His only fault is that he has no fault." — Pliny.
Rosamond Grandchamp
A.A., Classical, Phi Alpha.
"Green" has always amused us by reciting stories or poetry in Canadian dialect. But that isn't the only thing he excels in. He is a star track man, winning his letter in that sport. It seems as if nothing could be complete without "Green" in it. He was one of our prophets, but he is better known to the school in the role of cheer leader.
"Enthusiasm is the intoxication of earnestness." — La Martine.
Paul Hafey
A.A., French, Math., Classical, Phi Alpha.
We present one of our most popular and most admired fellows in our class. Paul has been on the Herald Board several years, and this year he was the business manager. Paul is also president of the French Club and has filled that position as well as all others he has tackled. Besides serving on dance committees and being a good scholar, Paul was manager of our star football team last season.
"Never have I known a Senior of equal attainments." — Macaulay.
Leonard Hall
A.A., Math., Dramatics, Phi Alpha, S.C.
Who does not know "Lennie"? He is one of '24's best fellows. "Lennie" has been a leader in school activities throughout his famous career here. He was president of the Assembly during his Sophomore year, president of the Phi Alpha his Senior year, and also held sway over the Student Council.
"Almost to everything he could turn his head." — Shakespeare.
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