Holyoke High School Yearbook
Kenneth Gennett
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha.
"Kennie" knows more about varia couplers, etc., than any other fellow in the school. IN spite of this great interest in this well-known hobby, "Kennie" finds time to go to games and club entertainments. "Kennie" is a good sport and is well-liked by all his friends and associates.
"One science only will one genius fit,
So vast is art, so narrow human wit." — Pope.
Meyer Glassman
Classical, French, Phi Alpha.
Let the "Harold Lloyd" boy be introduced. Although Meyer may not have "Harold's" pep, he can outshine him any day when it comes to a real grin. Meyer is apt to grin at everything. He grins at his studies; he even grins at his report cards. That's courage! Meyer has no enemies that we know of, for is grin is the best asset he has, when it comes to the friend-making business.
"Whistling and grinning, bear up your courage." — Green.
Edmund Gloksin
Math, Phi Alpha.
"Ed" is one of Mr. Moriarty's "math shorks." Just watch him do a difficult problem in advanced algebra, if you don't believe it. "Ed" seems to be a quiet fellow, but if you know him, you will find him a true friend. He is a very sensible fellow, and is interested in no one but himself. He is one of the few who realize the value of time, and "Ed" certainly makes the best of his opportunities.
"The master looks sharpest to his own business."
Harold Gold
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Harold surely has the ability in the scientific line. We expect that he will take the place of Steinmetz some day. Harold's favorite subject is radio, though once in a while he will discuss some great phenomena. Harold makes a good friend, when you get to know him and is ready to help you any time.
"Solitude is sometimes best society." — Milton.
Maurice Gordon
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
Here's a chap who is full of fun and many strange antics. "Mosey" is very amusing and clever, but terribly "girl-shy." "Mosey" is a faithful student, and knows more than can be contained in a vest-pocket dictionary. Maurice is well-liked by all his classmates and can be called a true-blue friend.
"To make three guineas do the work of five." — Burns.
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