Holyoke High School Yearbook
Ralph Hynes
Math., Phi Alpha.
Added to the ranks of our loyal members is Ralph Hynes. His excellent interpretation of the banished Duke in "As You Like It" proved that he possesses extraordinary ability in this line, which we had not recognized before. Ralph is a great favorite among his classmates. He has that personality that tends to attract people and any gathering is happy to have Ralph.
"Nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm." — Emerson.
Robert Ironside
Phi Alpha.
"Copper" is one of our midget members. He may be small in length and width, but he surely has a keen mind. There is no question about it, "Copper" is witty. That's why he was elected one of our prophets. We can't recall a time when "Copper" was grouchy. He came to school with a cheery "Hello," and retained his good nature throughout the day.
"Genuine and innocent wit is surely the very flavor of the mind." — Harvey.
Paul Jed
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
Paul is another one who is interested only in his own work. He is very industrious and is always looking to find out something new. But Paul is not the kind who is content with just finding out something; he wants the full particulars. That is what makes Paul such a good scholar. What he learns, he learns well.
"Look what a little vain dust we are!" — Addison.
Nathan Kaplinsky
A.A., Phi Alpha.
"Kap" cannot be considered as one of ourt boisterous chaps, but he is well-liked by his many friends. He tends strictly to business, but usually finds time to attend the games. We were proud to have you in our overflowing ranks, "Kap," and the calss of 1924 wishes you the best of luck when you launch forth into the business world.
"My thoughts are my companions." — Longfellow.
Dwight Keeney
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha.
Our cornetist! Anything about cornets and music interests Dwight. He is in our school orchestra and can play anything from classical music to the latest jazz. He's not satisfied with blowing around school, but at camp in the summer he put the fellows to sleep with the melody of his cornet, and then wakes them up with it.
"Of all the arts, music is the art
To raise the soul above all heavenly storms." — Leland.
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