Holyoke High School Yearbook
Harold Maggi
A.A., Phi Alpha.
Harold is not only a studious fellow, but cares more —cares only — for the gayer pursuits. At every school dance, and at ever game,, football, basketball and baseball, he is positively sure to be either an interested spectator or a hearty participator. Then, too, Harold is a true collegiate, both in dress and manner. Nothing ever worries him
"Ah, why should life all labor be?" — Tennyson.
James Mahoney
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
Popular? Well, we should say so. Everyone knows "Jimmy" to be our jolliest and best-natured boy. Many a dull, long period has been brightened up by his presence. "Jim" never cared much about studies, but always was Johnny-on-the-spot for a good time. "Jimmy" is one of our best-dressed boys, and when in his car, he looks — well, rather "keen."
"There's the humor of it." — Shakespeare.
Roland Majeau
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
Roland is one of our athletically-inclined members. The Track Team has been ably supported by him. If Holyoke High had a tennis team we feel sure Roland would be one of the best on it. Roland is rather quiet, but who knows? During the winter months Roland displays his remarkable skill on runners on one of the city skating rinks.
"None but himself can be his parallel." — Theobald.
Max Margolis
Phi Alpha.
Max is known for his strong arguments and equally strong convictions. More than one teacher has agreed with Max's theories. Max has been one of our best soccer men, securing his letter in that sport. He has also supported other school activities equally well. We wish him as much success after June 1924, as in the preceding years of our association with him.
"He will succeed; for he believes all he says." — Mirabeau.
Morris Margolis
A.A., French, Phi Alpha.
Morris is a quiet boy, but a very earnest student. He believes strongly in "Duty first, play afterwards," and as a consequence, always has his homework done and done to the best of his ability. Beneath his calm, quiet, self-possessed exterior, Morris is very active — an active supporter of his school, of his clubs — a participator in every school activity.
"The path of duty was the way to glory." — Tennyson.
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