Holyoke High School Yearbook
George Rogow
A.A., Art, Phi Alpha.
Who is that fellow shouting over there? Oh, that's "Yak" Rogow. "Yak" gained his distinction when he took the entire student body and faculty on a trip to Europe to see some of the beautiful paintings of the old masters. We might have gone to Europe but we didn't leave the auditorium. George is quite an artist.
"Follow your honest convictions and be strong." — Thackeray.
James Ross
A.A. Phi Alpha.
"Jim" is a quiet individual, not saying much, but just speaking when necessary. He was always efficient in his studies, and he may be considered as a quiety, but not timid individual. Those who know him well know that he loves a good time and can appreciate a joke as much as the rest. "Jim" takes active aprt in all of the school clubs, especially the Phi Alpha.
"Good humor is the clear blue sky of the soul." — Saunders.
Harold Roy
A.A., Math., Phi Alpha, Dramatic.
Dance? Did you say dance? Why, that's "Chappie" all over. No dance would be complete without "Chappie's" doing the latest step. Then, too, he is one of our loyal rooters, even acting in the role of cheer leader. He's an actor as well, gaining distinction as a member of the Dramatic Club. As business manager of that, he showed himself well capable of making the play successful as far as money went.
"All the world loves a lover."
Walter Ruckdeschel
A.A., Phi Alpha, Spanish.
There is no reason in the world for introducing "Rucky." He is ever welcome in any group, and he certainly can play "jazz" on almost any instriument. "Rucky" is quite clever at acting, too. He has taken part in our class plays, and proved his skill at this art to the enjoyment of all present. "Rucky's" car has also come in handy at many school functions.
"There's the humor of it." — Shakespeare.
Richard Ruppert
A.A., French, Math., Phi Alpha.
"Dick" is one of our midgets. He may be small, but you always know when he is around, because he is always up to some trick or other. "Dick" takes a keen delight in twisting words so that you hardly know what he is talking about. But "Dick" is always pleasant and can entertain anyone at anytime.
"He who is good, is happy." — Habbington.
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