Holyoke High School Yearbook
Jonas Saltman
A.A., French, Classical, Phi Alpha.
Here is the star Virgil pupil! There was never a time when Jonas could not reel off lines of the Aenid or of Ovid. We all envied his ability in mastering the hardest of all languages. And Jonas does not keep when he knows to himself, but is perfectly willing to impart it to others, if they want it.
"Then on! Then on! where duty leads,
My Course be onward still." — Heber.
Arthur Smith
A.A., Phi Alpha.
Arthur is one of our unassuming classmates. Those who are his friends know what a good friend he is. Once you know him, he will do anything for you and with a graciousness and willingness common to few people. He has been faithful in all his work and when he says he'll do a thing, he does it. In short, "Art" is one of the fellows who says little but does much.
"Silence is the mother of the truth." — Beaconsfield.
Clement Sparrow
A.A., Art, Phi Alpha.
Clement is president of the Art Club, and a very efficient one. The clever drawings in this book are Clement's productions. We all appreciate his talent so much we elected him "Class artist" which is, indeed, an honor. "Clem" is not the "Bohemian" type, however. He enjoys a joke as well as the rest of us, and can always contribute his share to the general amusement.
"No legacy is as rich as honesty." — Shakespeare.
Abraham Stein
A.A., Phi Alpha.
"Abe" is a fellow we all like. He always has time to stop for a chat and to joke with his many friends. "Abe" takes his studies just casually, but he always succeeds in passing them. Nothing seems to bother him. He takes things as they come, and he claims that is why he is so good-natured. We are all glad that we can count "Abe" as one of us.
"There is no need of words; believe facts." — Ovid.
William Walkov
A.A., Phi Alpha, Spanish.
Hurrah for "Willie"! William is our star basketball player, and has helped win for Holyoke so many basketball games this year. Indeed, out quintet could not do without Walkov, who makes more baskets than any of the others. Some athletes put all of their time and strength into athletics, but someone has said, and said wisely,
"He is a second Hercules." — Themistocles.
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