Warren Clark.
Under the fine leadership of Capt. "Eddie" Williamson, the Holyoke High School Baseball Team is enjoying a very successful season. Beside being a strong contender for the Valley League Championship, we are recognized as one of the best teams in the valley.
About forty candidates reported to Coach Whalen for the initial practice of the season, on April sixteenth, but the squad was rapidly thinned out until only sixteen players remained when the season opened on April twenty-third.
"Roy" Fitzgerald, "Eddie" Lenz, Oscar Felsentrager, "Johnny" Sullivan and "Johnny" Harrington shared the pitching honors. "Pete" Soutiere has been on the receiving end of every game and his timely hitting has been a treat to all of the followers of the sport. The infield consisted of the following players: "Bob" Carroll, first base; Stewart Williamson, second base; "Willie" Wolkov, shortstop; and George Dean, third base. It was one of the best infields that has ever represented Holyoke High on the diamond. The outfield consisted of Capt. "Eddie" Williamson, left field; "Timmy" Sullivan, center field; "Jack" McDowell, right field, with Fogarty, Solin, and Marciniak as substitutes. In Capt. Williamson, Holyoke has a good leader, a fine batter, and an excellent fielder.
We must not forget Coach Whalen, who developed the team to such a high point of efficiency. Through his good coaching the team was able to enjoy a very successful season.