Rosmond Grandchamp.
The Swimming Team under the able guidance of Coach Daniel Regan opened its season by journeying to Williamstown. The team was defeated by Williams College Freshman by a score of 31-11. Because of illness, Capt. Lunn was unable to participate.
The divers were not allowed to compete on account of the fact that the ceiling was too low. The next trip was to Worcester where the team was defeated by Worcester Academy boys by a score of 34-17. At this meet the Holyoke boys showed their best form, scoring 17 points, the largest score ever made by a team from our school in the academy pool. The next two meets were with the Springfield College Freshmen, the first at Springfield, the second at Holyoke. Springfield won both meets by scores of 35-18 and 33 1-2 191-2 respectively. The last meet o the season was with Gardner High School at Gardner. Holyoke was defeated by the score of 25-18.
Captain Lunn featured in the 100-dash, winning first place at every meet. E. Brooks showed up well in the 100 and the 50-yeard dashes. Fleming did good work in the 220-yard swim. Clark was our star plunger. Morrison showed wonderful form in the dives and easily won first place at all the meets. Other members of the team who did good work are Heck, Bosworth, J. Driscoll, and Majeau. Those who are to receive their letter are Captain Lunn, W. Fleming, F. Heck, W. Bosworth, J. Driscoll, E. Brooks, R. Majeau, T. Morrison, W. Clark and Manager Rosmond Grandchamp. Of these boys Heck is the only one returning to school next year.
The team wishes to thank Mr. Regan for all the work he did to make the team successful.