James Mahoney.
Track work has for many years been dropping into the rank of minor athletics. This lessening of importance has been due to lack of material. However, more spirit was shown this year, as about thirty candidates reported to Coach Danny Regan at Springdale Park every afternoon. A very successful season was assured from the start.
Some of the seniors have made reputations for themselves as track stars. Rosamond Grandchamp, who has been a mainstay on the team for three years was elected captain last year. He is probably the fasted middle distance runner ever developed in the Holyoke High School, and he has come within two seconds of equaling the high school record for the four hundred and forty yard dash. A great deal is expected of him in collegiate circles next year. Roland Majeau and Henry Moggio, the two sprinters, performed all season in an excellent manner. George Ellert showed that he can hold his own with the best of them in the weight events. Fred Heck did well in the long distance running, and "Spot" Ouillette starred in the jumping and the weight events. All the other men worked very hard and did their share in helping the track team make a fine showing.
Holyoke participated in four interscholastic meets at the Three County Fair, the Springfield Armory, Brattleboro, and Springfield College. In the meet at Northampton, Holyoke tied Ware for first place, this being the only tie of the season. This was run off at Ware, and Holyoke easily emerged the victor.
Altogether, a more successful season on the cinders has seldom been enjoyed by Holyoke High School.