625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Quick from Scratch Pasta Cookbook


Squeeze a large lemon and grate the peel; add two and one-half teacupsful of sugar; two and one-half of water; and heat it over a fire; while heating, rub two tablespoonsful of corn starch smooth; and beat the yolks of three eggs; then stir the lemon water gradually into the corn starch; add the egg and set it on the fire to thicken gradually like custard; when done, remove from the fire; beat the whites of the eggs stiff, and stir in; then pour into small tumblers and set on the ice to cool. — G. A. M


One teacup of sugar, and a little water; boil together till brittle when dropped in cold water; remove from the stove and stir quickly into it the well beaten white of one egg; add to this one cup of stoned raisins chopped line. — Miss Agnes Allyn.


One egg; two heaping tablespoonsful of sugar; one tablespoonful of corn starch; one pint of milk; flavor to taste; mix egg, corn starch, sugar and half the milk; have the rest of the milk boiling hot and stir this into it till it boils. — Mrs. F. K. Blodgett.


One quart of milk; one cup of sugar; one-half box Cox's gelatine one teaspoonful of vanilla; put the gelatine in a bowl with one-half cup of water; let it stand one hour; add one and a half pints of milk; put the two quart sauce-pan in which it was cooked in another pan of boiling water; beat the yolks of four eggs with sugar and one-quarter teaspoonful of salt; beat whites to a stiff froth; add one-half pint of milk to yolks and sugar and stir all into boiling milk; cook five minutes, stirring all the time; then add whites and remove from the fire add flavor and pour into moulds; place on ice. — Mrs. S. S. Morse, Belle Goldthwait, Mrs. A. H. Dawley, Mrs. Dr. Hubbard.


Two tablespoonsful corn starch; two tablespoonsful grated chocolate; three tablespoonsful of sugar all dissolved in cold milk and stirred into one pint of boiling hot milk until it thickens; serve in custard cups. — G. A. M.


One pint of milk; one tablespoonful of flour; one tablespoonful of sugar; boil until it thickens; add the yolks of three eggs and a piece of butter the size of an egg; flavor with lemon or vanilla; cover the bottom of the dish with cake, spreading one side with jelly; pour on the cream, and cover all with the whites of the eggs beaten with the sugar.

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