625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Pretty Party Cakes


One cup of sugar; two eggs; use the white of one for frosting; two-thirds cup of milk; one large spoonful of baking powder; one-half spoonful of lemon; salt; make three layers. CREAM; one egg; one-half cup of sugar; one large spoonful of corn starch put into one-half pint of boiling milk; spread the cream and nuts between each layer; frosting and nuts on the top. — Mrs. Henry D. Allyn.


One cup of sugar; one-fourth cup of butter; one cup of flour; one-fourth cup of water; yolks of three eggs and whites of two; one-fourth teaspoonful of soda; one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar; the juice and rind of one orange; beat the butter to a cream; add the sugar gradually; then the orange; then the eggs well beaten; then the water and flour in which the soda and cream of tartar have been well mixed. — Mrs. G. H. Perry.

Two oranges; two cups of sugar; one-half cup of butter; two cups of flour; five eggs; two teaspoonsful of baking powder; one-half cup of water; stir butter, sugar and yolks of the eggs together; add grated rind and juice of one orange, the water and flour; then add the whites of four eggs well beaten; bake in four pans; spread between each layer the white of one egg, juice and rind of one orange, and sugar enough to make it nearly as stiff as frosting. — H. H. Currier.


One cup of white sugar; butter size of an egg; one-quarter cup of sweet milk; one heaping cup of flour; one hall teaspoonful of cream of tartar; one-quarter teaspoonful of soda; two eggs; hake in two shallow pans. Flavor with vanilla. FILLING FOR ABOVE. — One-half cup of sugar; three-eighths of a cup of flour; one egg; add five small spoonsful of grated or melted chocolate, and stir into one-half pint of scalded milk; boil until it thickens; flavor with vanilla. — Mrs. W. R. Kemp.

One and one-half cups of sugar; one-half cup of butter; one-half cap of milk; two cups of flour; one half teaspoonful of soda; one tea-spoonful of cream of tartar; three eggs, beat the yolks and whites separately; six tablespoonsful of grated chocolate, a little milk and sugar; boil two minutes; spread top and between the cake. — D. P. Clarke.


Nine teaspoonsful of powdered sugar to an egg and one teaspoonful of corn starch; one and one half eggs to a layer; beaten stiff and mixed with the other. CAKE; one cup of sugar; one half cup of butter; one and one-half cups of flour; one-half cup of milk; one and one-half tea spoonsful of baking powder; three eggs well beaten; the whites stirred in last. — Mrs. Ward.

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