625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

30-Minute Meals


Cover your apples with cold water, and boil until they begin to crack open; then measure the juice, and add a pint of sugar to a pint of juice, and boil fifteen minutes; strain. — Mrs. F. K. Blodget.


One package of gelatine soaked in two cups of cold water; two and one-half cups of sugar; juice of four lemons, and grated rind of two; three cups of boiling water; one-quarter teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon; soak the gelatine two hours; add lemon juice, grated rind, sugar and spice, and leave one hour; pour on boiling water; stir until dissolved; then strain through double flannel; do not shake or squeeze, but, let the jelly filter clearly through it into a bowl or pitcher set beneath; wet the mould in cold water; pour the liquid in, and set aside to cool. — Belle Goldthwait.

Yolks of three eggs; juice and rind of two lemons; one-quarter pound of butter; one-half pound of sugar; cook; add whites of eggs when boiling; cool, and fill in between sheets of cake. — Mrs. C. H. Woodsum.


Take one-third currant jelly; one-third lemon, and as much blancmange; when all are cold and begin to form, wet a mould; pour in about one-fourth of the red jelly and set on the ice to harden; keep the rest in a warm room or near the fire; as soon as the jelly is firm in the bottom of the mould, add carefully some of the white blanc-mange, and return the mould to the ice; when this will bear the weight of more jelly, add a little of the lemon; when this forms, another line of white; so proceed in this order, dividing the red from the yellow by white, until the jellies are used up; leave the mould on ice until you are ready to turn the jelly out; a pretty dish, and easily managed if one will have patience to wait after putting in each layer until it is firm enough not to be disturbed or clouded by the next supply. — Belle Goldthwait.


Soak one-half package of Cox gelatine in cold water enough to cover it; when making coffee for breakfast take three small cupsful and turn into the gelatine, with a small half-cup of sugar; put in a cool place; serve with whipped cream and sugar, or with milk and sugar. — Miss Agnes Allyn, Mrs. H. H. Gridley.

One pint of sugar; one and one-half pints of boiling water; one-half pint of strong coffee; one box of gelatine; soak gelatine two hours in the cold coffee; pour the boiling water on it, and when dissolved, add sugar and coffee; strain them into moulds, and put away to harden. — Mrs. H. H. Currier.

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