625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

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One-quarter box of gelatine; add one cup of cold water; let stand fifteen minutes; then add one cup of boiling water and one-quarter cup of sugar; let simmer fifteen minutes; strain, and when cool pour over the oranges; take six oranges and prepare nicely by removing skin and seeds; mix it with one and one-third cups of sugar; let stand while making the jelly.


Pare the melons; cut them in shape to taste; put them in a pre-serving kettle, and cover them with cold water; throw in a little pounded alum; let them boil till perfectly tender, and of a beautiful green; take them out to drain; prepare the syrup by clarifying a pound of sugar to a pound of melon; when quite cold put them in jars and pour the boiling syrup over them; seal them up and set them in a cool place. — Mrs. L. P. Hayward.


Cut the peel in six or eight equal parts, making the incisions from the stem downward; peel each piece down a little more than half way, and turn each one sharply to the right, leaving the peeled orange apparently in a cup, from which it is removed without much difficulty; pile the oranges so prepared in a pyramid on a high fruit dish. — Belle Goldthwait.

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