625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Zyliss Dual-Drum All-Cheese Rotary Grater


Take a thin slice of stale wheat bread and toast till brown through and through; do not burn it; while hot, spread butter thinly over it; break into fragments; put into a pitcher and pour in little more than half a pint of boiling water; add a little pepper and salt. — Dr. E. L. Draper.


Take a tender chicken; remove the skin and all fat; cut it in two, longitudinally, and remove the lungs, which will be found attached to the back; now cut these halves into small pieces, cutting through bones and flesh; put these pieces into a suitable dish; salt; pour on a quart of cold water, and let it simmer for an hour and a half; then set it on a hearth or back of the stove, and keep up the heat for half an hour longer; strain through a sieve or coarse towel to separate the broth from the bone and fibre; season to taste; thicken with a little flour or sago if desired. — Dr. J. U. Woods.

Skin and chop up fine a small chicken, or half a large fowl, and boil it, bones and all, with a blade of mace, a sprig of parsley and a crust of bread, in a quart of water for an hour, skimming it from time to time; strain it through a coarse colander, and warm up as needed. — Dr. J. C. Hubbard.

Take a small chicken, remove all skin and fat, and everything else adhering to the side bones and back; divide into halves, and subdivide each of them into thin slices as possible; put into a pan; sprinkle with salt, and pour over them one quart of cold water; let it simmer slowly one and one-half hours; then strain through a sieve; a clove or two; half a dozen pepper-corns; a few allspice; a stalk of celery, or some of the popular kitchen herbs can be added to suit the taste of the person who is to use it. Poured upon thin slices of toasted, stale bread, plain, or thinly spread in butter, or with rice, barley, sliced potatoes or anything else of the kind, it is very nice for convalescents. — Dr. E. L. Draper.


Tie up in a piece of thick cotton cloth a coffee cupful of white flour; put it into boiling water, and keep it boiling steadily three hours; then remove the cloth, and lay the lump where it will become perfectly dry; to use it, grate and thicken two gills of boiling milk with a dessert spoonful of it wet in cold water; put a little salt in the milk; this is excellent food for feeble children. — Ella M. Davis, M. D.


One pint of boiling water; mix a large spoonful of flour in a little cold water; stir it into the water while boiling; let boil fifteen minutes; then add one teacupful of milk and a little salt; let boil up once. — Dr. C. H. Grout.

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