625 Choice Recipes from the
Ladies of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke

Lady and Sons Just Desserts


Take of strong beef tea six ounces, one ounce of cream, half an ounce or less of brandy, or an ounce of port wine; this will be sufficient for three enemata. They should be given about every eight hours, unless otherwise ordered. If no other nourishment be given, they will require to be given every four hours, the stimulants being reduced. Three or four drops of laudanum may be added to control the irritability of the bowels. Quinine, cod-liver oil or other remedies can, when desirable, be added to nutrient enemata. — Dr. G. W. Davis.


Wash two ounces of the best pearl sago until the water poured from it is clear; then stir the sago in half a pint of water until it is quite tender and thick; mix with it half a pint of good cream and the yolks of four fresh eggs, and mix the whole with one quart of good beef tea, which should be boiling. — Dr. N. R. Miller.


Take a fresh egg, break it, separate the yolk from the white and whip it with a fork until it becomes a froth; mix together, and add enough good milk or cream, well sweetened with loaf sugar, to make a tumblerfull; pour in a tablespoonful of good brandy; mix well; a little grated nutmeg may be added to suit the taste. — Dr. E. L. Draper.


Lean loin of mutton, one pound, exclusive of bone; water three pints; boil very gently till tender; throwing in a little salt and onion according to taste; pour out the broth into a basin, and, when it is cold skim off all the fat; it can be warmed as wanted. — Dr. J. C. Hubbard.


Drain one pint of oysters through a colander for five minutes; remove the liquor, and then pour over them one pint of boiling water, which must be thrown aside; add to the liquor already drained, a pint of boiling water, and put over the fire in a porcelain lined saucepan; boil until all the scum has risen and been skimmed off; then add half a pint of fresh milk; one water cracker rolled to a powder; a piece of butter, and a little salt and pepper; boil ten minutes, and just before the soup is to be served, turn in the oysters from the colander, and let them scald for three minutes; oysters cooked in this way are not apt to give discomfort, and are therefore adapted to invalids. — Dr. L. M. Tuttle.


Take two or three slices of bread from which the crust has been cut; toast them and lay them in a soup plate, dusting each piece over with sifted white sugar; then pour over all about a tumblerful of hot wine and water; port wine or claret is the most suitable for the purpose. — Dr. G. W. Davis.

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