History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, 1879.

Other Manufacturing Interests.

Among other manufacturing interests may be mentioned the following:

Hampden Cotton Mills.—Organized in 1877. Capacity 1,250,000 pounds per years.

Holyoke Warp Company.—Organized in 1869. Capital, $60,000; capacity, 1500 pounds per day.

Beebe, Webber & Co.'s Woolen-Mills.—Established in 1863. Product 450,000 yards per annum.

Germania Mill.—Organized January, 1865.—Capital $300,000; product, 150,000 yards 6-4 cloth annually.

New York Woolen-Mill.—Built in 1864, and purchased by A.T. Stewart & Co. of New York in 1870. Product, 360,000 yards per annum.

Connor Bros., manufacturers of wool extracts, shoddy and flocks.

Joseph Peel, manufacturer of satinet goods.

Henry Seymour Cutlery Company.—Organized in 1839. Capital, $25,000. Henry Seymour, President; Robert H. Seymour, Treasurer.

Coghlan's Holyoke Steam-Boiler Works, E. Whitaker Reed, manufacturer—Established in 1852. Product, $8000 worth per annum.

Buttrick & Flanders, manufacturers of spindles, bolsters and steps. C.G. Buttrick, T.B. Flanders.

America Phototype Company.—Postal Card Printing. Capital, $200,000.

Springfield Blanket Company

Springfield Blanket Company

Springfield Blanket Company.—Organized May 2, 1870, with a capital of $80,000; manufactures horse-blankets; product $125,000 per annum. This is one of the largest establishments of its kind in the country, and justly merits its present success. Treasurer W.H. Wilkinson.

F.R. Chapman & Co., established at Miller's Falls, Mass., August, 1874; re-established at Holyoke, May, 1875. Manufacture table, butchers', and miscellaneous cutlery; produce 240 dozen per day. Employ 36 males. Monthly pay-roll. $800.

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