John J. Lynch Junior High School
Class of 1953



Members of the orchestra are: Thomas Roberts, Frederick Bergeron, David Smith, Clifford Russell, John Lavinio, Charles Gillette, Terry Whiting, William Beaulieu, Paul Telfer, William St. Lawrence, Robert Mozgala, Richard Arent, Edmund Prynch, Thomas Lesieur Paul Alie, Edward Glesmann, Richard Potsubay, Ronald Trudeau, William Rothchild, Joseph Dizek, Paul Miller, Louis Silver, Francis Sullivan, James Mahoney, Thomas McGough, Charles Dooley, David Strawbridge, Daniel O'Connell, Paul Donnelly, James Long, Francis Creane, Gerald Wilson, Lewis Gilman, Richard Strawbridge, Edward Abbot, Robert Kroll, Richard Schott, George Fitzgerald, Patricia Griffin, John Fleming, David Harrington, Daniel Sullivan, Francis Vogel, William Bunnell, George Schmid, George Hurley, Patrick O'Toole, Peter Clark, Constance Brown, George Lust, Robert Sampson, Richard Garvin, Katherine Griffin, Nancy Mitchell, Thomas Kennedy, Larry Suher, Allen Dubbrin, Beverly McCabe, Richard Wiggins.

The orchestra, under the able direction of Edward Nowak and Mr. Edwin Thaute, has been steadily improving since the opening of our new school. It has been practicing in the auditorium. Because this place is isolated from the rest of the building, it is ideally suited for this purpose. Combined with the Lawrence School Band it participated in the annual spring band concert at the War Memorial.

We expect to see many of this year's players in the High School Band next year. We are also hoping to hear nothing but be best from our orchestra in years to come.

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