John J. Lynch Junior High School
Class of 1954



First Row:
Cynthia Harris, Carol Goy, Judy Ryan, Marjorie Wilhelmie, Isabelle Millane, Lane Farr, Beverly Ham, Donna Torno, Patricia Radowski, Judy Kelliher.

Second Row:
Sandra DiCarlo, Ann Rubin, Dianne Kaplinsky, Roberta Lincoln, Brenda Burke, Maura Driscoll, Paula Page, Dianne Doran, Susan Stein, Marie Dupont, Susan Hill.

Third Row:
Lorraine Gelinas, Phyllis Piwarzyk, Marie Camilleri, Joan McGough, Susan Harry, Sally Ventrice, Lenore Vogel, Ann Hickey, Alice Goy, Janice Raynor.

First Row:
Sally Feldman, Karen D'Amour, Jean McGough, Jeanne Rothmeyer, Betty Trombowski, Sally Stathis, Carol Graeber, Nancy Moody, Joyce Bar, Carol Baldwin.

Second Row:
Katie Sullivan, Mary Morris, Hannelore Lust, Judy Kelliher, Eleanor Dowd, Ruth Gammons, Rochelle Jopson, Gail Hoessler, Susan Stein, Nancy Cousineau, Frances Nolan, Kathy Gordon, Louise Pellissier.

Third Row:
Patricia Schubach, Eileen Healy, Kathy Cassidy, Cathy Long, Virginia Crowley, Nancy Miller, Adele Walschlager, Madeline Simon, Janet Stefanie, Judy Judelson, Lindalee Dorman, Joanne Kagan, Merrilly Grant, Pat Allery, Pamela Lasher, Joyce Eger.


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