Jeannette was one of the quieter members of our class, but she possessed a very pleasing personality. She liked all sports, baseball especially, and was very found of baby sitting. She was a staff member of the Metcalf News and helped tremendously by contributions to the paper. Thanks for your interest and help, Jeannette.


"Neddy" was one of our quiet but very active girls. "Neddy's" leadership was one that contributes to the glory of our school. She has been an honor student all through her school years and this year her fashion column in the Metcalf News made us all feel that we were quite in style. "Neddy" has also spent many hours making this Metcalf Annual a success.


"Neil" was known to all his classmates around Metcalf as a good all-around student His wonderful personality enabled him to get along with every-one. He was very capable as he proved to us by getting on the Honor Society and the Student Council and We all remember his performance in the Jr. IIIL. Minstrel.


"Richie," as he was better known to every one, was our most outstanding and popular boy. He definitely proved himself a leader when he was unanimously elected President of the class of '51. He was on the editorial-board of the Metcalf News, editor-in-chief of the Annual, a delegate of the Student Council, a member of our teams, and a charter member of the Honor Society. Entering Metcalf in the seventh grade, "Richie" brought with him his pleasing personality, winning smile, and fine athletic ability. So, glad you came Richie!

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